Now that the wedding is over, I have had time to catch up on stuffs, and get some photos printed off to begin scrapping. I went to a Columbus Scrapper's crop last Sunday (gosh , that was fun!) and managed to put the *bones* of 5 pages together, while chatting with some fun ladies.
This week, I've been working on finishing them up. Here is the first 2 page spread that I finished. It is a spread of Cindi and her Daddy, when she gave him his gift the night of the rehearsal dinner. He's a very emotional man, who loves his daughter immensely, and she feels equally as strongly about him. I struggled with finding the right title, for 2 days. I wanted it to reflect their feelings for each other. But it came together nicely in the end.
The large photos mask journal boxes underneath. The first one has the lyrics to the song * I loved her first* by Heartland, which was thier father/daughter dance song.
The second side holds the words to the poem that Cindi wrote for her Daddy. She framed it, with a photo of herself and her dad (seen in the small photo on this page), and that was the gift she gave to him. Yes, it made the big guy br4eak down. Bless his heart!
This is an awesome layout. I can't wait to see the entire album, I know it's going to be great.
Ahhh... your blog made me teary. How come you are one of the few people that can do that?? 8-)
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